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Goal in Life

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Essentially our goal in life is to return to our Maker. This in essence is the sole purpose of the earth. If this is our main (really only goal in life), the question of how is what causes all the confusion among religious people. There are, however, things that are common to all religions that guide us in this goal of returning to our Father. I like to call these things "Essential Truths." These truths are basic to all religions and are the real things upon which we should focus.

Let's take for example, reincarnation. Some say that reincarnation was removed from the Bible and Christianity. While a belief in reincarnation would help one understand some of the things in the Bible and help one cope with and understand the seeming injustice in everyday life, it is not important to your goal in life, which is to return to our Maker. It doesn't matter whether our journey to complete this spans across multiple lives or just this one life. We are to live this life in striving to return to Him, which is by manifesting His love.

In the truly important things there aren't any differences. We are all striving for the same goal. Jesus when He walked on this earth said that the first commandment was to love the Lord our God. Whoever or whatever your concept of God is, love that God. Examine the love that your God has for you. Like breeds like. He also said that the second commandment was like the the first, to love your neighbor as thyself. Edgar Cayce once said that the great commandment was to love thy neighbor as thyself and that all the rest of the Bible was trying to explain this. This would be the same in all religions and positive philosophies. There are no differences among them that are worth fighting about.

The Life of Jesus is the greatest example of the manifestation of God's love on earth. This is why Jesus is the Christ or "Anointed One" because He is the perfect example of God's love manifested. This is what we are seeking to become. We have been told in the Bible that this IS what we may become.

This is what will bring us closer to our goal of returning to our father. The other differences are irrelevant.

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Copyright (c) Roger Gibby
This site is in no way assciated with or represents the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.)
Last Update: May 31, 1997